Roll dices for this dare and go on chaturbate to follow the dare you got.
Always use a 6-sided dice.
1) What to wear:
1 - 2 Items of your choice
2 - just underwear
3 - Nothing but a blanket to cover
4 - 4 Items of your choice
5 - Nothing on Top, usualy on bottom
6 - Nothing at the bottom, usualy clothes on top
2) How long you have to be on cam:
1 - 20 mins
2 - 30 mins
3 - 45 mins
4 - 1 hour
5 - until you cum
6 - Roll again and double the time. (cumming twice if roll 5). 2 hours if you roll 6 again.
3) What to do:
3.1) Roll a dice and add 2 - the number is called x in the next rolls. (so rolled 1 -> x=3)
3.2) Stripping
1 - Take of an item all x mins until naked
2 - Take of an item everytime someone writes in your chat-room
3 - Wait for 2*x minutes and get naked
4 - get naked after x minutes but may cover with hands. No cover after another x minutes.
5 - Get naked as soon as a person demand it.
6 - Get naked when there are x viewers.
3.3) What to do when naked?
1 - Masturbate for x minutes - hitting balls 15 times - masturbate x minutes -...
2 - Do what the people want you to do - Mastrubate when you dont have any dares to do.
3 - Put on x Clothepegs somewhere on your body. You can change the positions all x minutes. Masturbate the rest of the time.
4 - Ask the audience for a word you have to write on your body where they want to every 2*x minutes. Masturbate remain time.
5 - Edge every 2*x minutes.
6 - Spank your self 20 Times every 2*x minutes.
Do you have to take any pics?
1-4: Yes
5-6: No
If yes: How many?
1-3: x
4-6: 10
(try to get different pics and at least one naked)
What to do with the pics:
1 - Save them on Computer in a folder at the desktop
2 - Upload 2 of them to a website of your choice
3 - like 2 but 4 pics
4 - like 2 but all pics
5 - Upload them to the chat of this side when there are at least 5 people in chat.
6 - delete them.
(* If you have to upload some, always use at least one naked!)
how to get some viewers?
1-2: Post the ling in the chatroom at the beginning.
3-4: Post the link in the chatroom and at at least one other chatroom at the beginning.
5: like 3/4 but repeat it twice in the show.
6: No advertisement.
Have fun and if post a screenshot here for proof.
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