20. I was 36 but she said she was 24. I thought a bit young but was just for sex so agreed. I was on the way back from a club after too many drinks and she was stood outside a pub and acosted me and invited me in the pub for drinks. She insisted, and in tbe end I thought why not.
She told me her name and we chatted for a while over a few drinks (she insisted on buying them). She said something I thought was weird at tbe time "Do you watch (name of popular TV show)?" I said no. She replied "So you wouldn't recognise me if I was an actress in that show?" I replied no and asked her why. She burst out laughing and said "No reason." I kept getting people telling me she was in that show too but thought they were making it up. After a few drinks, she asked for sex so I asked how old she was, she said 24. So I thought well that's young but not that young so why not? Only she took my hand and we sneaked up the stairs to a room above. She got out some condoms and I was drunk so she put it on. She kept asking if I wanted to do thos on account of me being drunk. I assured her I did and would if I was sober. We went three times, using her three pack of comdoms. Then she told me she was 20 not 24! At least it was legal though. Then the next day I googled her name, and found her images online - the reason people had said she was in the popular British TV show was because SHE WAS! I had shagged somebody famous without knowing! She is 21 now but I lost contact with her. It was fun while it lasted though. Nice name too, Maisy.
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