Truth or Dare

Hide and Peek Info
Either print off a photo of your genitals or draw around them with a pen (easier for the guys!) and sign and date the piece of paper. Then hide this piece of paper somewhere in your house other than your bedroom. You have to leave it there for at least a week.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: June 13, 2010, 12:54 pm
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Hide and Peek Response
me with genital photo before hiding in liveing room
Pocket Protection Info
Take off all of your clothes and cover yourself with only the things you had in your pockets and/or purse until your next turn.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: January 23, 2010, 7:50 pm
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Pocket Protection Response
me covering penis with my ipod that was in my pants poket 
Naked on Main Street Info
Go onto a normaly busy street and get naked and walk down it. The idea is to do it at night when it wont be as busy, but you can be as risky as you want.
Points Earned: 25 out of 25
Date: November 29, 2009, 2:18 pm
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Naked on Main Street Response

me naked on the road that heads to local collage at about 1a.m.

10 cars saw me as i walked across bridge

Late Night Street Lay Info
Late at night, find the nearest intersection and lay down in the middle of it naked for a minute. If no cars come, then you are done. If a car comes, you must masturbate in that spot (laying down) until you cum. You may hide from any cars as to not get run over.

Admin: Always be careful when doing dares in or near the road.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: October 8, 2009, 11:16 pm
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Late Night Street Lay Response

here I am laying down  in  middle theof intersection naked timed the min with firefly toothbrush

about 1 am no cars as layed in street but one came by as I was getting dressed

All Day Nude Info
Attempt to spend a full 24 hours naked.
Points Earned: 14 out of 18
Date: September 4, 2009, 6:47 pm
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All Day Nude Response
Taking Out Trash Info
You must be completely naked for this dare. Take your trash/recyclables out to a bin located outside your house. Once you around halfway between the door and bins, you must place the trash on the ground and then do 5 push-ups or sit-ups. Once completed proceed to put the trash in the bin and then on your way back stop again at half-way and wait for 5 cars to go past. Then go back inside.
Points Earned: 6 out of 24
Date: August 29, 2009, 3:07 pm
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Taking Out Trash Response
standing by trash can waiting for car first three came by in the first three minutes but car 4 and 5 took 30 and 46 minutes til they passed by 
Taking Out Trash Info
You must be completely naked for this dare. Take your trash/recyclables out to a bin located outside your house. Once you around halfway between the door and bins, you must place the trash on the ground and then do 5 push-ups or sit-ups. Once completed proceed to put the trash in the bin and then on your way back stop again at half-way and wait for 5 cars to go past. Then go back inside.
Points Earned: 0 out of 24
Date: August 29, 2009, 3:02 pm
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Taking Out Trash Response
nude situps at halfway point
Taking Out Trash Info
You must be completely naked for this dare. Take your trash/recyclables out to a bin located outside your house. Once you around halfway between the door and bins, you must place the trash on the ground and then do 5 push-ups or sit-ups. Once completed proceed to put the trash in the bin and then on your way back stop again at half-way and wait for 5 cars to go past. Then go back inside.
Points Earned: 0 out of 24
Date: August 29, 2009, 3:01 pm
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Taking Out Trash Response
nude push ups at halfway point
Taking Out Trash Info
You must be completely naked for this dare. Take your trash/recyclables out to a bin located outside your house. Once you around halfway between the door and bins, you must place the trash on the ground and then do 5 push-ups or sit-ups. Once completed proceed to put the trash in the bin and then on your way back stop again at half-way and wait for 5 cars to go past. Then go back inside.
Points Earned: 6 out of 24
Date: August 29, 2009, 3:00 pm
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Taking Out Trash Response
photo standing at halfway point
Naked in Rain Info
While it is raining, strip completely nude and only wear shoes and a raincoat. For the more daring, use a see-thru poncho or just walk through the rain completely nude...
Points Earned: 30 out of 22
Date: August 9, 2009, 9:53 am
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Naked in Rain Response
here i am in the rain completely nude 

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