Truth or Dare

Ever Shoplifted? Info
Have you ever shop lifted? What did you steal?
Points Earned: 6 out of 6
Date: January 9, 2019, 9:35 pm
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Ever Shoplifted? Response
Yes but not on purpose. I was five, picked up a keychain which had a purple glove hand attached to it and only realized I still had it when I was in the car.
Shaving Habits? Info
What have you shaved? Face, legs, genitals, chest, top of head, armpits, back, and or ass checks? Also, are you male or female?
Points Earned: 10 out of 10
Date: January 9, 2019, 9:25 pm
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Shaving Habits? Response
I am female. I have shaved legs, genitals, my head, and armpits.
Private Size Info
Males - How long is your penis?
Females - How big are your boobs?
Points Earned: 4 out of 4
Date: January 9, 2019, 9:24 pm
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Private Size Response
Masturbate Info
Points Earned: 25 out of 25
Date: January 9, 2019, 9:23 pm
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Masturbate Response
Are you Bi? Info
Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex as you? Please explain.

Points Earned: 5 out of 5
Date: January 9, 2019, 9:22 pm
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Are you Bi? Response
Yes, girls are hot.

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