Truth or Dare

Private Size Info
Males - How long is your penis?
Females - How big are your boobs?
Points Earned: 4 out of 4
Date: September 6, 2019, 4:18 pm
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Private Size Response
8 inches hard
Flip Coin and do Push Ups Info
Flip a coin for each piece of clothing you are wearing. Heads = take it off, Tails = you can keep it on. If you are in a group, do 20 pushups, in front of everyone, for each piece of clothing you want to put back on. If playing alone, do 20 pushups for each piece of clothing, outside or in a well lit room with uncovered windows.
Points Earned: 16 out of 16
Date: September 6, 2019, 4:12 pm
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Flip Coin and do Push Ups Response
i got to keep my shoes lol
Hard Exercise Info
Do 50 crunches and 50 push ups.
For each you don't complete, you must take a pen wrapped in plastic wrap and leave it in your ass for one minute.
For each one not complete if you touch floor on push up or stop on either you have to leave it in 2 min and have to start over add time up and leave in for that length
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: September 6, 2019, 4:12 pm
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Hard Exercise Response
did 50 of each so no forfeit for me
Exercise Info
Do 10 pushups and 10 situps (or as much as you can), naked.
Points Earned: 25 out of 25
Date: September 6, 2019, 4:11 pm
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Exercise Response
easy ;P

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