Truth or Dare

Nearly Climax Info
Masturbate and stop just before climax. Don't touch it any more and do not finish.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: February 1, 2008, 1:11 pm
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Nearly Climax Response
It felt so good and then I had to stop. It sent chills up my back!
Reducing Points Nude Photo Info
Take a nude photo of yourself and post it here. The first person to do so will get 30 points, the next 29 and so on until the dare is only worth one point!
Points Earned: 20 out of 30
Date: February 1, 2008, 1:04 pm
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Reducing Points Nude Photo Response
And I claim 29!
Commando Info
Go commando (without underwear) for one week.
1)Girls must wear short skirts one day
2)Guys must wear a pair of pants that is too big, without a belt for one day.
Have fun, post a response.
Points Earned: 16 out of 16
Date: January 31, 2008, 1:15 pm
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Commando Response
So last thursday I decided to start this dare. For the most part it was really easy because I prefer commando over wearing underwear. The only time it was hard was wearing the pants I am in the picture. These sweats are a large and I wear a medium without them fallin off. The pic was taken after only 3 steps in the pants without touching them! I am pretty sure someone got to see parts of me I don't just show everyone!
Sleep Nude Info
Whenever you go to sleep tonight, make sure you are in your nice birthday suit (naked).
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: January 31, 2008, 1:09 pm
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Sleep Nude Response
This was last night I decided to go with the o natural attire. The only problem I have with sleeping naked is there is nothing to control morning wood!
Masturbate Info
Points Earned: 25 out of 25
Date: January 31, 2008, 1:04 pm
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Masturbate Response
Here ya go plain and simple me pleasuring myself!
Nude Tribute to the Leaderboard Info
Write a list of the top ten users on the leaderboard either on paper or on yourself (for extra credit) then post a naked photo of you with the list.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: January 31, 2008, 1:03 pm
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Nude Tribute to the Leaderboard Response
I hate writing on myself with sharpies so I just used a piece of notebook paper. Here is the tribute to the most daring people on the net!
Maturbate to Pictures Info
Take 5 pictures from the internet of a nude member of the SAME sex. Make sure all 5 pictures show the person's genitals (face is optional), or the picture is a close-up of the genitals. Masturbate while looking through the 5 pictures and cum while looking at your favorite. You cannot look away during the whole masturbation. Post the picture you choose to leave on the screen when cumming. Yes, this would be easy if you are gay. It is geared towards straight people. Lets see what pictures you like!
Points Earned: 10 out of 10
Date: January 29, 2008, 4:49 pm
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Maturbate to Pictures Response
Here was my "favorite" this was a lot harded then I thought. Climaxing while staring at a cock when your straight is NOT EASY!!1
Naked Roll Info
Take off all of your clothes and roll around on the floor a few times. You may put on 2 items of clothing after you are done.
Points Earned: 15 out of 20
Date: January 25, 2008, 5:41 pm
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Naked Roll Response

Hahaha this was fun but I think I got a little rug burn! After I put my tshirt and sweat pants back on.

Bra and or Boxers over clothing Info
Walk around with your bra/boxers on over your clothing.
Points Earned: 13 out of 13
Date: January 25, 2008, 5:37 pm
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Bra and or Boxers over clothing Response
I just walked through my house no one said anything which is wierd.
Close Up Info
Take a closeup shot of your genitals with a nice camera and post it here.
Points Earned: 20 out of 20
Date: January 25, 2008, 5:29 pm
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Close Up Response
Well there it as close as I could get it without it being all squares.

Command Line: