Truth or Dare

Ever Skinny Dipped? Info
Have you ever skinny dipped? Would you like to now? If you have, explain your favorite time skinny dipping.
Points Earned: 8 out of 16
Date: September 7, 2011, 1:26 am
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Ever Skinny Dipped? Response
I haven't yet, but I really want to go skinny dipping sometime.
Naked in Car? Info
Have you ever been naked in a car? What were you doing?
Points Earned: 6 out of 12
Date: September 7, 2011, 1:25 am
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Naked in Car? Response
I have never been naked in a car.
Naked at School? Info
Have you ever been naked or in your underwear at school? This does not include changing/showering for gym. Explain the situation.
Points Earned: 7 out of 14
Date: September 7, 2011, 1:24 am
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Naked at School? Response
Not unless being naked in my dorm room at college counts.
Longest Time Naked? Info
What is the longest amount of time you have remained naked? Why were you naked, and what did you do?
Points Earned: 8 out of 16
Date: September 7, 2011, 1:23 am
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Longest Time Naked? Response
I was naked for about a day and a half when I was in college. I didn't have a roommate, so a lot of the time I would go around my room without any clothes. I think that the longest stretch of me being nude was about a day and a half as I didn't have any classes for that amount of time and was feeling lazy. I mainly watched TV, played games, and looked at porn.
Film Strip Info

Sit down to watch a movie or TV show. Any time an actor/actress in that show says one of the following words/phrases: "so", "like", or "you know", then you have to take off one article of clothing.

Points Earned: 5 out of 10
Date: September 6, 2011, 10:20 pm
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Film Strip Response
Started watching the movie Domino, and I was naked within the first 15 minutes.
Remove Anything Black Info
Remove anything you are wearing that is black.
Points Earned: 6 out of 12
Date: September 6, 2011, 7:05 pm
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Remove Anything Black Response
As I am only wearing my white underwear right now due to previous dare, I do not have to remove anything.
One Item of Clothing Info
Wear only one item of clothing (your choice) until another dare changes that.
Points Earned: 3 out of 20
Date: September 6, 2011, 6:56 pm
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One Item of Clothing Response
Because of another dare I was only wearing my underwear, shoes and socks. Now I am only wearing underwear.
Dice Dare Info
Roll the dice to decide what you will wear and for how long.

Roll one (feet):
1 = shoes and socks
2 = shoes
3 = socks
4 = nothing on feet
5 = nothing on feet add 1 to next roll
6 = nothing on feet add 2 to next roll

Roll two (top):
1 = as currently dressed
2 = as currently dressed
3 = topless
4 = topless
5 = topless and add 1 to next roll
6 = topless and add 2 to next roll

Roll three (bottoms):
1 = as currently dressed
2 = underwear only
3 = underwear only
4 = naked bottom half
5 = naked bottom half
6 = totally naked regardless of previous rolls

Roll four (how long):
1 = 5 minutes
2 = 15 minutes
3 = half an hour
4 = an hour
5 = all night
6 =� all day

Don't forget to post a picture.
Points Earned: 0 out of 26
Date: September 6, 2011, 6:54 pm
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Dice Dare Response
I rolled 1, 6, 1, 3. So it looks like I'm wearing just my underwear, shoes, and socks for the next half-hour.
What are you Wearing? Info
Describe everything you are wearing at the moment in full detail. Do not leave out any part of your clothes.
Points Earned: 1 out of 2
Date: September 3, 2011, 11:11 am
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What are you Wearing? Response
Only thing I'm wearing right now are my glasses.
Boiled or Frozen to Death? Info
Would you rather be boiled to death, or frozen to death?
Points Earned: 2 out of 2
Date: September 3, 2011, 11:10 am
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Boiled or Frozen to Death? Response
Well neither obviously, but if I had to choose between the two, then I guess I would pick frozen to death as I think that at some point I would go numb and then maybe pass out (just guessing on that). I think boiling to death would keep in a more constant state of pain and agony.

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